Vegetable garden

Grow where you live

Community interest ​company

Coming soon

Bringing ​neighbours together ​to grow food

Ready for your life to get better - ​Community is the way

House and Plant Logo

Grow Where You Live


Say goodbye to bland ​food, and hello to ​better produce.

Yo​ur own fresh produce

Do you have the space to grow food but ​can’t? Or do you want to grow food but don’t ​ha​ve enough room?

Co​nnect with your community

We help put neighbours with garden space in ​to​uch with neighbours who can grow food.

The sustainable choice

Growing food in local gardens has multiple ​benefits such as less transport costs & less ​was​te.

Image of wooden raised beds in allotment vegetable garden, timber

What if one ​third of UK ​lawns were ​used to grow ​food?

We are working to ​achieve this by ​helping local ​garden owners ​and gardeners to ​connect & share ​resources, skills & ​produce

The Details

If you have growing room ​and would be happy for a ​neighbour to grow food ​there register with us. We ​will send you details of ​nearby​ growers.

If you want to grow food ​near where you live but do ​not have enough space ​register with us. We will ​pass your details to local ​people with growing space ​and you can decide if you ​want to proceed

Wh​at we do

We​ are a not for profit community interest company

Help connect ​gardens and ​growers who live ​nearby

Accept donations ​so we can give ​away useful things ​like seeds

Coming soon email ​us

Fundraise to help ​local growers & ​facilitate grow ​your own projects

Coming soon

Grow Where You Live Community Interest Company – is a not for profit ​company started by a gardener and a mental health housing worker.

The aim is to help communities connect by growing together and help ​each other in a way that supports people and the environment. We are ​just getting started and welcome your constructive feedback or ​involvement.

Are you interested in having a veg or fruit plot or food forest in your ​garden or on your land and are willing to share the yield? Maybe you can ​do some of the work or none - maybe you need help starting it off and ​would be glad to get help from someone who lives near you.

We endeavour to help neighbours with garden space connect with ​neighbours with garden skills so that both can benefit from home grown ​food. You can get growing even if you are new to gardening.

Email us anytime

We are happy to ​hear your ideas ​about local ​growing or if you ​want to get ​involved

Contact Us

What to do if you would like some growing space

Please email the following details to

  1. Your name.
  2. Your preferred email address.
  3. Your road name and your postcode.You do not need to send us your whole address.
  4. Some brief details about what you are looking for, what you want to grow, your skill ​level - it is ok to be a beginner. How much time per week do you think you could ​spend. Any information you think the garden owner would find helpful. A sentence or ​two is fine.
  5. You may be asked for one reference or proof of DBS check and proof of your address ​(eg utility bill within the last 3 months). The reference can be from anyone who has ​known you for 3 years or more and not a relative and not someone who lives at your ​address. Do not send this straight away. Wait until a garden owner requests it.

  1. Dina Smalley.
  3. Nearby Road CW11 7YY.
  4. I know how to grow fruit very well and want to grow a variety of fruit and veg. I used to ​have an allotment and no longer have a garden. I am happy to do all the growing. I am a ​part-time teaching assistant. I am flexible about the size of the plot.
  5. I have a current DBS check and will supply a reference on request.

Example information to send us:

What to do if you have available space to grow

Please email the following details to

  1. Your name.
  2. Your email address.
  3. Your road name and postcode. You do not need to send us your whole address.
  4. Some brief details about your space eg rough size, whether you have a ​greenhouse. Whether you want someone to do the lot or want to get growing as ​well.

Example information to send us:

  1. Ted Fernandez.
  3. Nearby Road, CW11 7RY.
  4. My back garden is about 100 feet long by 50 feet wide. Half is available to grow ​food. There is side access. I have a greenhouse and some gardening equipment ​available for use. I am particularly interested in growing salad greens, herbs and ​potatoes. I am not able to garden myself for health reasons.

We will never pass your details to another company. We may send you information ​about our activities & resources, free or low cost garden courses, seeds or equipment ​in the future but you can tell us you do not want this anytime.


  • How often will the gardener attend within reason
  • The garden owner must usually be prepared to ​supply the water
  • What arrangements will be made if the gardener is ​unable to attend or ill for example, it might be useful ​to appoint an accepted ‘understudy’
  • Is the owner prepared to help
  • If the gardener brings raised beds and equipment ​this will remain the property of the gardener and the ​owner will be reasonable about access if they need ​to be removed
  • Is it necessary to specify roughly how much produce ​will be shared with the garden owner
  • Are there any plants the land owner specifically ​prohibits to be cultivated eg due to allergy?
  • Any rules either party wishes to specify?

Grow where you live is a start up CIC. We do not make any profits from ​the organisation. We hope that neighbours will work together well. We ​are not responsible for any disputes and are not liable for any losses ​caused by the collaboration of neighbours. People need to be clear ​about what they can do and what they expect. We have created a list ​of matters to consider which could be made into an agreement ​document which neighbours may wish to discuss, change, sign as they ​wish. It is just a general guide to help arrangements start and flow. We ​do not arbitrate any issues, that is a matter between growing partners. ​If you live in rented accommodation make sure that you are not digging ​up anything you are required to keep and that the property can be ​returned to its original state subject to permission from your land ​owner. If partners are not capable of agreeing we suggest they do not ​collaborate.